ΓΔ: 1426.1 -0.56% Τζίρος: 91.81 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:01 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Kivernisi
Φωτο: Stringer / SOOC

Mitsotakis: Our government priority is free afternoon surgeries

At the meeting at the Ministry of Health under the Prime Minister, on-call duty and the operation of emergency departments were also discussed.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis chaired a meeting on Tuesday at the Health Ministry on the government's priorities in the health sector. 

In the context of the meeting was discussed the implementation of the program for the free performance of 37,500 afternoon surgeries, with resources from the Recovery and Resilience Fund. Emphasis will be placed on citizens who are waiting longer as part of the wider strategy to systematically reduce the number of pending surgeries in public hospitals, which is now tracked through the single digital surgery list.

Also, the course of execution of projects to upgrade emergency departments and other facilities in the NHS structures was examined, in combination with best practices for the reception and distribution of incidents, with the aim of better and faster service to citizens.

In the meeting participated Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis, the Ministers of State, Makis Voridis and Akis Skertsos, the Deputy Minister of Health, Irini Agapidaki, the Deputy Ministers of Health, Dimitris Vartzopoulos and Marios Themistokleous, and the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister, Thanasis Kontogeorgis.

"The priorities for the coming months are moving towards the implementation as quickly as possible of the flagship program of free afternoon surgeries. We await the final approval of the European Commission, so that this program can start immediately", Mitsotakis said.

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