ΓΔ: 1390.25 -0.88% Τζίρος: 130.99 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:24:59 DATA



Digital dangers lurk as remote working increases

Greece's Digital Governance Ministry and the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post stated in relevant guidelines that 'there has recently been an increase in activity in emails with alleged material about Covid-19 coronaviruses that contain malware. Users are urged to pay close attention to any message that refers to Covid-19 in its title or content."Sources say that in recent days violations have been reported by companies where hackers attempted to pry open holes in systems, exploiting security gaps created by remote work.

Turkey must turn theory into practice, Petsas says

"A diplomatic marathon has already been announced in the coming days and we are waiting to see how it develops. On Monday, the prime minister will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and on Tuesday with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Regarding refugee-migration, we are on the same grounds with Germany in order to proceed with a Dublin 4 review in August, not now, which will definitely have a burden-sharing mechanism."

Measures to guard Greece's eastern borders to be stepped up to maximum, KYSEA meeting decides

"In recent days, Greece has suddenly come under mass, organised and coordinated pressure from the movement of populations at its eastern land and sea borders. This movement is directed and encouraged by Turkey. These actions are taking place in violation of its obligations under the EU-Turkey joint statement. Turkey, instead of controlling the migrant and refugee trafficking rings has itself become a trafficker," Petsas said in a statement.