ΓΔ: 1482.43 1.23% Τζίρος: 89.73 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:01 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φώτο: ΑΠΕ

Confirmed coronavirus cases in Greece reach 1,212 on Monday: 56 new cases, 5 fatalities in last 24 hrs

Tsiodras announced 56 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Greece in the last 24 hours and 5 new deaths, and said this brings the country’s total to 1,212 confirmed infections and 43 deaths.

In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, patience is a virtue, said the Health Ministry’s coronavirus spokesman and infectious diseases professor Sotiris Tsiodras on Monday evening.

Speaking at the televised daily briefing on the pandemic’s development, he said “we will wait patiently, any prediction is uncertain,” but he added that mathematical models currently show a slow spread.

Tsiodras made a special reference to the issue of preventive protection of doctors and health workers at large, noting that the possibility was being considered of "providing them with a safe and effective therapy for a period between 8 to 12 weeks” as a preventative measure.

He also stressed that children’s vaccinations should continue regardless of the pandemic. "The timely vaccination of children aged up to two years, especially for the vaccinations of immediate priority, is very important," he noted.

Tsiodras announced 56 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Greece in the last 24 hours and 5 new deaths, and said this brings the country’s total to 1,212 confirmed infections and 43 deaths.

From those who have died since the start of the outbreak, 32 were men and 11 were women, 90 pct had underlying health issues and their average age was over 70 years of age.

Some 72 patients are being treated in Intensive Care Units, of whom 14 are women. The average age of ICU patients is 65 years, and more than half of these suffer from underlying health issues. A total of 5 people have been discharged from ICUs so far.

Tsiodras added that some 15,961 diagnostic lab tests have so far been carried out in Greece.

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