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The logistics and warehouse sectors of Greece attracting investment interest

According to a statement, the committee members believe that continued investment in warehouses, coupled with efforts to address challenges, will maintain the sector's growth in the coming years.

The logistics and warehouse sectors of Greece continue to attract new investment capital - both domestic and international - with the country gaining international acceptance and attention as a strategic transit hub in Southeastern Europe. This was the conclusion of the Committee of Logistics Members of the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in a report recording all developments in the sector since the start of 2024.

It also noted that the country's strong geopolitical position and the continuous improvement of its infrastructure, offset any negative consequences of geopolitical crises.

According to a statement, the committee members believe that continued investment in warehouses, coupled with efforts to address challenges, will maintain the sector's growth in the coming years.

Undoubtedly, they noted, the initiatives for the sector's digital transition, particularly the acceptance of electronic bills of lading, and the gradual implementation of electronic consignment forms, contribute to the positive orientation of the relevant market, while the industry is moving methodically with the aim of reducing pollutants, in line with ESG principles.

According to the committee's chairman George Stamnos, "the industry continues to manage with patience and sobriety the serious consequences of the double geopolitical crisis in Ukraine and the Middle East, while it seems to be planning the next steps taking into account the high interest rates for loans, volatile energy prices and the climate created by the looming global recession, taking advantage, in the meantime of the steady growth of the Greek economy and the benefits of the recovery of investment grade, following the continuous upgrades by foreign rating agencies".

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