ΓΔ: 1423.56 1.17% Τζίρος: 74.76 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:24:59 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ



What exploration projects are planned by ELPE, Total in Greece

The pandemic has brought ups and downs in hydrocarbon exploration worldwide as oil prices have come under increasing pressure, and many companies and states have turned to green investments, seeking to change their energy mix with greater RES penetration. Especially in Europe, the goals set by the EU for the transition to "green" energy raises doubts about the support that gas projects may have.

Turbulent times raise shutdown risk for Greece's only oil field

Greece's Prinos, the country's only operating oil field, is facing the risk of shutting down hit by record low prices brought on by the Russia-Saudi Arabia price war and plunging demand in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. Operating since 1981, the offshore oil field is located 18 kilometers off the northern town of Kavala. Company officials say that it is an old oil field that needs lots of new capital amidst falling production levels.