ΓΔ: 1482.43 1.23% Τζίρος: 89.73 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:01 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φώτο: ΑΠΕ

Deputy FM Fragogiannis meets Qatari leadership, businessmen in Doha

"We are strengthening our relationship with the business community of Qatar interesting in investing in Greece, and initiating an approach to the country's political leadership," the minister said to Greek press during the forum's second and last day.

Deputy Foreign Minister Kostas Fragogiannis had a series of meetings with Qatari officials on Sunday, on the sidelines of the 2019 Doha Forum, which he attended.

Fragogiannis, responsible for economic diplomacy, expounded on the opportunities Greece offers for investments with several officials who included Qatar's prime minister, the ministers of trade and transport, the alternate foreign minister, representatives of the business association and the head of the Qatar Investment Authority, the superfund that handles the country's investments.

Fragogiannis also met with the CEO of Silatech, a nonprofit that helps youth employment, and separately with businessmen interested in investing in Greece. He also paid a visit to the University of Texas' hi-tech branch in Doha in addition to meeting with members of the Greek community in the capital.

"We are strengthening our relationship with the business community of Qatar interesting in investing in Greece, and initiating an approach to the country's political leadership," the minister said to Greek press during the forum's second and last day.

He said interest seemed to focus on tourism, shipping, real estate and energy.

The government has brought several disparate agencies under the economic diplomacy division at the Foreign Ministry, he said, including the export-promoting Enterprise Greece and the Export Credits Insurance Organization. He also revealed that the ministry would table a draft bill proposing reforms in economic diplomacy in the next few weeks. Under the plan, Greece will take advantage of the investment momentum, he noted.

The country today fulfills the prerequisites for investments, Fragogiannis underlined, listing among them the existence of the right market conditions, political stability, economic grwoth and social cohesion.

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