ΓΔ: 1482.43 1.23% Τζίρος: 89.73 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:01 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ



Unprecedented moves shield banks from pandemic

The European Central Bank has fully shielded the banking system in terms of liquidity, bad loans, and capital adequacy, while the European Commission has suspended several regulations to prevent any additional state aid measures from having an impact on shareholders, bondholders, and depositors. Greek bank shares, despite yesterday's gains of 17.84 percent, may have plummeted 60 percent since the beginning of the year, but the current crisis for Greek lenders is very different from what we have experienced in recent years.

Hercules bad loan plan gets nod from SSM in major boost for banks

Bank of Greece governor, Yannis Stournaras, met with the heads of the country's lenders on Monday and briefed them on the positive outcome of talks on the issue. This is seen a being a major development for the sector as it opens the path for the sale of large-sized securitizations of bad loans within the framework of the Hercules plan that will offer state guarantees on senior tranches, once conditions in the market return to normal.

Greece updates Hercules plan on make-or-break detail

The move aims to meet demands made by the European Central Bank (ECB ) calling for additional guarantees to be provided for the securitized assets to carry a zero risk weighting amidst resistance from Greece to put up cash to meet this condition. Above all, the updated plan aims to solve a crucial technical problem: avoid triggering the negative pledge clause included in Greek government bonds in a development that could have serious consequences for the economy.

Push to solve bad loan problem uncovers more strategic defaulters

Out of the 120,000 loan holders who can potentially seek more favorable repayment terms (on housing, consumer and business loans tied to their primary residence), about half have applied to restructure the debt. However, only 4,000 of them have put together a complete application on this, of which half, some 1,600 applications, have been rejected for exceeding allowable income and asset levels.