ΓΔ: 1415.59 0.61% Τζίρος: 27.70 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 13:20:30 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Prasino Pistopoiitiko, Green Pass, Koronoios, Coronoios, Corona Virus, covid-19
Φωτο: Shutterstock

Digital Green Pass will act as fast-track lane for tourism

The Greek Prime Minister described it as the "best example of European cooperation", noting that cooperation on the issuance of the digital certificate reminded us that Europe can be an incubator of ideas, innovation and solutions that can lead to change, in a rapidly changing world.

Greece will be a pioneer in the implementation of the European Digital Covid Certificate, as it launches the relevant electronic platform from July 1st. It is a Greek proposal adopted by the European Union and its implementation will open a fast track to tourism, while allowing Greek citizens to travel to Europe without restrictions.

The certificate was presented today by the Minister of Digital Government, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, in the presence of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel and the Vice President of the Commission, Margaritis Schoinas.

The Greek Prime Minister described it as the "best example of European cooperation", noting that cooperation on the issuance of the digital certificate reminded us that Europe can be an incubator of ideas, innovation and solutions that can lead to change, in a rapidly changing world. Speaking at the event, he also stressed that now that the legal framework exists, our country is ready to start using this digital certificate earlier than July 1.

"And we call on all member states to adhere to the timetables, in order to avoid the complicated bilateral connections that we would have created if we did not have access to this digital tool," he said. He emphasized that "our goal is not to divide citizens. The European Digital Certificate is nothing more than a fast track lane. It will make travel much easier, especially during the summer. "

What is it and how does it work?

The certificate will record basic information, such as name, date of birth and date of issue, as well as information about the vaccine the traveler has received or about the diagnostic test he or she has undergone or about his or her recovery.

The European Digital Certificate COVID, will facilitate travel within the European Union with security and respect for citizens' personal data. The certificate will be valid in all EU Member States and will allow the authorities of each country to confirm that the traveler has either been vaccinated against coronavirus, or has recently tested negative or has recovered from Covid-19.

The issuance of the certificate, which will be available in digital and paper format, will be done free of charge through the gov.gr. portal. Every citizen will be able to connect to the online service with the passwords in Taxisnet or with his AMKA. The EU Digital COVID Certificate is implemented in our country by EDYTE and IDIKA, with the participation of the General Secretariat of Information Systems of Public Administration.

The national authorities are responsible for issuing the certificate. It could, for example, be issued by hospitals, testing centers or health authorities. The digital version can be stored on a mobile device. Citizens will also be able to request a printed version. Both versions will contain a QR code with important information, as well as a digital stamp that will ensure the authenticity of the certificate.

The digital green certificate will be accepted in all EU Member States. It will contribute to the coordinated lifting of existing restrictions. Any EU citizen or third-country national legally resident or resident in the EU holding a digital green certificate when traveling should be exempt from restrictions on free movement in the same way as citizens of the Member State they are visiting.

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