ΓΔ: 1418.3 0.80% Τζίρος: 39.01 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 14:39:30 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φωτο: Nikos Libertas / SOOC

20% of EU Recovery Fund to go to digital projects

According to the Minister of Digital Government, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, at least 20% of the fund’s resources will be allocated to projects that can change Greece’s quality ranking. At the same time, he noted that 5G network will start to be installed in major urban centers as of the beginning of 2021.

The EU’s Recovery Fund is expected to give a big push to the digital transformation of Greece. According to the Minister of Digital Government, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, at least 20% of the fund’s resources will be allocated to projects that can change Greece’s quality ranking. At the same time, he noted that 5G network will start to be installed in major urban centers as of the beginning of 2021.

Speaking at the "Thessaloniki Summit 2020", organized - online this year – by the Association of Greek Industries (SVE) in collaboration with the Economic Forum of Delphi, Pierrakakis stressed that “because of this money we are able to do almost everything which we believe can change the quality position of the country ", clarifying that the projects that will be implemented will be announced immediately, as it is now under discussion at the national and European level.

"Some completely obvious ones include ERP, the in-house planning system that the government has to acquire like the big companies have. The Greek state must have something similar and this will be included in the Recovery Fund. It also includes major projects related to telecommunications and the transition to fifth generation networks ", the minister explained and added that" we have already talked about 5G corridors, we have already talked about how to optimize the adoption of fiber optics by households by removing the cost of the end user in the apartment building, we will move on to microsatellites, so that the country acquires something very critical for issues of civil protection, for issues of land surveillance."

Regarding the health system, Pierrakakis said that "it is absolutely necessary in health to obtain a digital medical map", as we have a very strong electronic prescription system, which we received from previous governments, we expanded it, we created the intangible prescription that made citizens embrace the system, but health digital is not just an intangible prescription, it is hospital information systems, it involves IT systems for hospitals working together, the ministry using data in a business intelligence system in order to make the best decisions.”

Regarding 5G, the minister expressed his satisfaction because it is one of the few parts of our strategy in which we does not involve covering lost ground and "what we have achieved in 5G is reflected in the law passed in a climate of great consensus in parliament recently, as we have formed a model of our own, exportable and there most other states did not manage to auction all 4 bands of 5G together, but we achieved it through dozens of actions that were done in a  short amount of time and the auction will be completed before the end of the year".

"We will start having 5G in the country's major urban centers at the beginning of next year, where each provider will announce its own schedule," he added.

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