ΓΔ: 1404.26 0.27% Τζίρος: 128.35 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:00 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Kostis Xatzidakis, Kostis Chatzidakis
Φωτο: ΑΠΕ, Οικονομικό Φόρουμ των Δελφών

Hatzidakis: The main thing is to be efficient in tackling day to day problems

The Economy and Finance Minister stressed that both in Greece and in most European countries, accuracy was the main reason for the election results.

The issue is "not whether we will go to the right or to the left, but whether we bring results," Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said in an interview with SKAI TV on Tuesday, commenting on the European Parliament elections.

"The main thing is for us to be efficient, serious, composed and to listen to the people, but basically to be efficient as regards day-to-day matters," Hatzidakis underlined, adding that fear and arrogance "make poor counsellors".

He added that "there are everyday battles that we must fight with the utmost determination but also without fear of the political cost. They are the issues of health, public administration, policing, law enforcement, justice, housing, rents and, obviously, the hike in prices".

Asked about the possibility of lowering VAT, the minister noted that countries, such as Spain, which adopted the measure have higher inflation than Greece, while Spain's ruling party lost in the European elections.

"We didn't do this because, as has happened before in Greece, the reduction in VAT is not passed on to the consumer. Apart from this, I must tell you in all honesty that we have to take into account a certain balance in the budget and our obligations towards the EU for primary surpluses of 2.1% of GDP. If we don't make up the revenue from the VAT cut there will be a shortfall. The state will lack money for salaries, pensions, health and education," he said, while pointing out that if someone refuses to adopt a 'pleasant' and popular measure, "they have a reason for doing so."

Concluding Hatztidakis said "we hear the protests, we are not of the opinion that we are infallible. But, on the other hand, the country has to move forward. To make some changes that we have been discussing since we were children. Because if they are not made, at the end of the four years (term) we will hear criticism asking us 'why didn't you do something'."

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