ΓΔ: 1417.59 0.75% Τζίρος: 35.15 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 14:21:00 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φώτο: Menelaos Myrillas / SOOC

The «crossword» of the new government: the candidates for the key positions

The plan for a powerful Ministry of Interior - Digital Governance under K. Pierakakis, the new economic staff, the possible move of Dendias to the Pentagon and Gerapetritis to the Foreign Ministry and the "bodyguards" of Maximos.

With the polls showing ND as the undisputed favourite for Sunday's elections, the spotlight is on the formation of the next government.

And while Kyriakos Mitsotakis may describe as a "pleasant headache" the possibility that he has before him to choose from a pool of worthy individuals, who either belong to the New Democracy or not, the same does not apply to his executives, who are sitting on hot coals hoping to be part of his choices.

The governmental equation looks like a crossword puzzle for strong solvers, even for those most privy to the inner workings of the ND, with the ND president's associates photographing radical changes for the so-called first-rate cadres and the simultaneous utilization of a large number of women in the ministerial benches.

However, those who sit - in the event of an electoral victory for the ND - at the imposing table of the cabinet will get their hands on a blue envelope which will be the first crash test for their credibility and consistency and their future rating by the prime minister.

This is essentially the set of programmatic commitments in key areas such as Health and Economy, a clear indication of Kyriakos Mitsotakis' intentions, along with the structural changes in the way the cabinet and, by extension, the executive state operate.

Among the many ideas that have been put on the table for the restructuring of the government, of particular interest is the proposal for the implementation of a "super merger" of the Ministries of Interior and Digital Governance, headed by Kyriakos Pierrakakis and his deputy Theodoros Livanios, which refers to the once powerful Ministry of the Presidency of previous governments.

A series of caroms are very likely to be caused by the final choices in the so-called economic and production ministries.

The relevant scenarios show Christos Staikouras moving from the Finance Ministry to another post and his place being taken by former Labour Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, with Theodoros Skylakakis as his deputy again, but also the further use of Nikos Papathanasis.

In such a case Theodoros Skylakakis will have in his responsibilities, the utilization of resources from the Recovery Fund, the NSRF and the Public Investment Programme.

As for Adonis Georgiades? His name is "in play" for essentially two positions. Either to the Ministry of Shipping, or to a new ministry, which will only have the responsibility of issuing pensions.

The establishment of a separate Ministry of Social and Housing Policy has already been announced, at the same time as the transfer of Sports from the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Education, under the leadership of a deputy minister.

There are also strong rumours about a possible move of Nikos Dendias from the Foreign Ministry to the Pentagon, with George Gerapetritis moving to the neoclassical building of Vassilissis Sophia and Dimitris Kairidis assuming the duties of Deputy Foreign Minister.

Equally important shake-ups are expected in the staff team at the Maximos, with the new face of the next four years being Stavros Papastavrou - formerly a close associate of Antonis Samaras - who will most likely take over the crucial portfolio of State Minister.

Akis Skertsos and Giannis Bratakos remain in the so-called "bodyguard" team, while Sofia Zacharaki is being touted as the next government spokeswoman.

At the same time, the outcome of the behind-the-scenes discussions on the use of executives who served in ministerial chairs during Simitis' governments, such as Anna Diamantopoulou, who was rumoured to be in charge of the Education Ministry, and Giorgos Floridis as head of the Justice Ministry, remains a question.

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