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The next big investments in transport linking Greece with global trade

A series of projects focus on strengthening Greece’s role in the global supply chain. At present, the logistics infrastructure is not effectively connected to the main means of transport (ports, railways).

Greece is expected to submit to the European Commission on Friday the Sectoral Transport Program under the new NSRF that will include changes to its road and rail network, maritime transport and airports, along with important digitization projects.

In road transport, the priority is the completion or upgrade of axes included in the trans-European networks, interregional connections, the completion of cross-border connections, the construction of new highways and road safety interventions.

In rail transport, which is a priority of the government, it is pointed out that the country's railway network shows significant room for further improvement, negatively affecting the multimodality of transport, mobility, passenger and freight costs and its overall international competitiveness.

With the completion of the largest part of the PATHE / P railway line (Patra - Athens - Thessaloniki, Eidomeni, Promachonas) and a significant part of its branches, it is expected to modernize and improve the transport system with the use of improved technologies..

On maritime transport, the provision of stable, permanent and reliable connections for barren lines are being promoted, the installation of systems and applications for navigational safety and passenger service, the use of clean fuels and the installation of technological systems.

In aviation, the main needs are summarized in the completion of the improvement and upgrading of the airport infrastructure, the further upgrade and expansion of runways and / or the passenger stations of island airports whose operation has not been granted, in order to improve the level of service to and from regional island airports. Priorities also include the further upgrade of the air navigation systems to improve air traffic management throughout the country as well as the development of waterways and the improvement of the relevant legal framework, in order to promote the development of a seaplane transport network in the country.

Catalyst for growth

The ministry points out that the country's infrastructure has a catalytic role for its economic development. For this reason, the maintenance and development of infrastructure, as well as the completion of all infrastructure in progress, regardless of funding, is emerging as one of the five development goals of the ministry and the National Development Program.

In order to serve freight flows, significant investments are needed to improve and modernize road, rail and port infrastructure that will strengthen the country's ability to function as a key gateway for Asian products to enter Europe.

The contribution to infrastructure by public-private partnerships (PPPs) is seen as being important. Road safety and urban mobility projects are also among the priorities of the infrastructure development goal, mainly due to their high social impact.

A series of projects focus on strengthening Greece’s role in the global supply chain. At present, the logistics infrastructure is not effectively connected to the main means of transport (ports, railways), as a result of which the combined transport and the possibility of choosing the appropriate means of transport per case of freight volume and distance traveled are effectively hindered.

According to the recent report of the Strategic Transport Investment Framework, in the context of the areas for improvement identified, it was noted that the improvement and modernization of the logistics sector in Greece is one of the main, developmental, priorities, in order to fill the growth gap.

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