ΓΔ: 0 0.00% Τζίρος: 0.00 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 09:26:44 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ



National Bank of Greece sees 500 million euro boost

This transaction, from which NBG will record a book gain of 500 million euros, could only be executed with the approval of the Greek state. The extraordinary gains are a bonus for the bank which would not have been otherwise able to move ahead with large securitizations of non-performing loans (NPLs) under the state guarantee Hercules plan. The gains will help also help cover losses connected with the sale of National Insurance.

Plans for transition to post-lignite era ready by end-June, Dev't Min. Hatzidakis says

The EU is working with the government and local government to ensure that funding reduces the repercussions to residents of these areas and creates viable alternatives, the Commissioner said. Countries like Greece that are speeding up the post-lignite programs will have a competitive edge and receive funding earlier. The EU has assessed the amount provided to coal-mining areas of Europe undergoing a transition to nearly 100 billion euros.

Applications for strategic investments rise sharply to 2.6 bln euros

These applications, relating to 13 projects that are mostly in the field of tourism, have been submitted to Enterprise Greece, the country's investments and trade promotion agency, for approval. If they are given the green light, the projects will then head to a joint ministerial investment committee that is likely to put them on a fast track process, helping speed up its implementation time by reducing red tape involved.