Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday chaired a cabinet meeting at the Maximos Mansion, on issues ranging from education and water networks to national defence.
"We obviously do not not have the luxury of complacency. We are well aware that our responsibilities do not go on vacation. So we will meet again, as I said, immediately afterwards, on January 10th, in order to complete our annual planning," said the prime minister during his opening remarks at the Cabinet meeting.
Mitsotakis pointed out that planning for 2025 will be completed at the next Cabinet meeting on January 10 and expressed his satisfaction with the conduct of the Budget debate and the overall presence of the government. "I think that the government's priorities for 2025 in terms of economic policy were very clearly outlined, but I think it was also an opportunity for all the ministries to present their own priorities," he said.
He noted that at such a time "our gaze is fixed on the future and the younger generations, which is why I want to pay particular attention to two bills of the Ministry of Education, which we will have the opportunity to approve today".
Referring to the ministry's bills, he added: "I would like to make a special mention of the Public Onassis Schools, a new educational network that places special emphasis on the humanities, the sciences, and fine art, with the actions of this network being entirely covered by donations of the Onassis Foundation".
"The second bill provides for the introduction of the International Baccalaureate, the IB as we know it, into public education. It is a pioneering intervention that we are making in public education, which I think will be able to be a guide for actions that we would like to gradually extend to the entire range of our public schools."